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Our History

Get to Know Us

Scripture Union Singapore seeks to engage children and young people to experience God daily through His Word and empower them to serve. Take a look at our history.

Our Council


Scripture Union Singapore is governed by a Council to set up policy directions, oversee the ministry and ensure that all aspects of ministries and activities are conducted in accordance with the Scripture Union International ethos and the Scripture Union Singapore Constitution.


Arnold Khoo


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Darius Foo

Vice Chairman

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Yoong Fook Loy


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Seow Jin Chong



Prof. Freddy Boey



Rev Dr Alfred C.H Yeo



Alan Ho


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Dr Lawrence Chia


Our Team


Meet our team who combine work and play, a unique blend of individuals, called by the Lord, with a mission in mind - To connect children, young people and families with God through His Word. 

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Lim Yu Ming

National Director


Joanne Ho

Associate Volunteer/

Pastoral Management


Ler En Chung

Associate – Children & Youth Ministries


Basil Tan

Associate - Media Specialist


Fuji Yew

Deputy Director


Luke Zachary Ng

Ministry Head – Children & Youth


Senior Executive – Finance

Lilis Lim


Joshua Khoo

Associate - Administration/Resource


Jeremy Ong

Associate - Children & Youth Ministries


Calvin Koh

Associate - Children & Youth Ministries

Mission & Vision

Mission & Vision

Our Mission:

To engage children and young people to experience God daily through His Word and empower them to serve.


To see every young individual develop a true relationship with God.

To fulfill this, we are committed to:


SU supports churches and organisations with personnel and programmes, such as children and youth camps, evangelistic events and other appropriate customised activities.


SU equips children and youth workers with certification programmes and customised courses.


SU provides devotional and discipleship materials for all ages to churches and organisations.


SU partners with like-minded churches, organisations and individuals to reach children and youths.


To be a companion to SU movements around the region


Our Values



We focus on Christ as our role model in every situation.



We are ethical in all our dealings.



We serve as servant-leaders.



We base our teachings on the Bible, the Word of God.



We want to be in touch with an ever changing world.



We are a trusted partner.

Statement of Beliefs

Statement of Beliefs

This statement was adopted by the Scripture Union International Council at Harare, Zimbabwe in May, 1985. As the Scripture Union family throughout the world, we accept and proclaim the historic truths of the Christian faith, including the following:

God and the Human Race

  • We hold that the Lord our God is one: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, and that He fulfils His sovereign purposes in creation, revelation, redemption, judgement, and the coming of His kingdom by calling out from the world a people, united to Himself and to teach each other in love

  • We acknowledge that God made us in His own likeness and image, conferring on us dignity and worth and enabling us to respond to Himself; we now are members of a fallen race; we have sinned and come short of His glory

  • We believe that the Father has shown us His holy love in giving Jesus Christ, His only Son, for us, while through our sinfulness and guilt, we were subject to His wrath and condemnation; and has shown His grace by putting sinners right with Himself when they place their trust in His Son

  • We confess Jesus Christ as Lord and God; as truly human, born of the virgin Mary; as Servant, sinless, full of grace and truth; as only Mediator and Saviour, dying on the cross in our place, representing us to God, redeeming us from the grip, guilt and punishment of sin; as Victor over Satan and all his forces, rising from death with a glorious body, being taken up to be with His father, one day returning personally in glory and judgement to establish His kingdom.

  • ​We believe in the Holy Spirit who convicts the world of guilt in regard to sin, righteousness and judgement; who makes the death of Christ effective to sinners, declaring that they must now turn to Christ in repentance, and directing their trust towards the Lord Jesus Christ who through the new birth makes us partake in the life of the risen Christ, and who is present within all believers, illuminating their minds to grasp the truth of Scripture, producing in them His fruit, granting to them His gifts, and empowering them for service in the world.

The Scriptures


We believe that the Old and New Testament Scriptures are God-breathed, since their writers spoke from God as they were moved by the Holy Spirit; hence are fully trustworthy in all that they affirm; and are our highest authority for faith and life.


The Church and its Mission


We recognise the Church as the body of Christ, held together and growing up in Him; both as a total fellowship throughout the world, and as the local congregation in which believers gather. We acknowledge the commission of Christ to proclaim the Good News to all people, making them disciples, and teaching them to obey Him; and We acknowledge the command of Christ to love our neighbours, resulting in service to the church and society, in seeking reconciliation for all with God and their fellows, in proclaiming liberty from every kind of oppression; and in spreading Christ’s justice in an unjust world until He comes again.


Working Principles


The working principles were adopted by the International Council in 1992; we, at Scripture Union Singapore seek to exercise the ministries God has given us in obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ and in reliance on the Holy Spirit.  We therefore aim to follow biblical principles in all that we do to emphasize the vital importance of prayer.


We approach our work in the following ways:

Evangelism and Training​

  • We are committed to teaching basic Christian truths as an essential part of evangelism

  • We aim to express God's Good News to children, young people and families not only in words but also by building caring relations with them

  • We make every effort to communicate the Gospel in contemporary language and in ways appropriate to the context

  • We emphasize that faith should always lead to action and to growth in Christian character and service

  • We acknowledge that the Gospel has inescapable social dimensions.  Therefore it involves us in service to others, and a concern for social justice.  In view of our specific aims, we have a special responsibility for children and young people who are poor, deprived or exploited

  • We encourage children to follow Christ in ways that are appropriate to their age, culture, and background, taking into special account their home and family situation and the level of their maturity

  • We believe that the new birth is a profound supernatural experience, brought about by the Holy Spirit.  So we invite people to respond to what He is doing in their lives and guard against calling for superficial responses

  • We are committed to working in ways that reflect our beliefs in appropriate co-operation with organisations and institutions, such as schools, that welcome us

Bible Ministries​

In encouraging people to meet God through the Bible, we emphasise the significance of the Bible as a whole.

  • We encourage people to read it so that they come to repentance, faith, obedience to God and worship

  • We prepare systematic programmes and material for children, young people and adults, appropriate to their age and situation

  • We are committed to Bible reading which is thoughtful, prayerful and regular, and which enables the reader to respond to the message of the whole Bible rather than to isolated passages

  • We are concerned to interpret the text in a way which enables people, in their contemporary situations, to hear for themselves the message of the Bible from its original context


  • We recognise our part in God's worldwide family and seek ways of working positively with a variety of churches​​

  • We encourage people who come to faith through our ministries, to take part in the life of a local church fellowship

Equality and Unity​

  • We believe that all human beings are of equal worth in the sight of God and that all those who put their faith in Christ are one in Him

  • We are therefore committed to exercising our ministries without discrimination to race, colour, gender, language or social position

  • We recognise that Scripture Union worldwide is a family of national movements in which resources can be shared in a responsible way on a basis of trust

  • We express our Christian commitment in varied and creative ways since we are drawn from diverse backgrounds

Volunteers and Staff​

  • We work with a relatively small number of staff who recruit, motivate, train, equip and support a larger number of volunteers, with whom they work in partnership

  • We believe that the Holy Spirit confers gifts of leadership on Christians of all nations without discrimination.  So we encourage national leadership  of Scripture Union movements, while recognising the contributions of those from other countries

  • We, as staff and volunteers, from a variety of backgrounds, are united in our commitment to the aims, beliefs and working principles of Scripture Union Singapore (SU SG)

  • We agree that, while we are involved in SU SG's activities, we will handle controversial issues, such as baptism, spiritual gifts and church order in ways that promote harmony

Biblical Standards​

  • We aim to follow Biblical principles in all that we do.  This includes, for example, our administration, our publicity, and the way we care for our staff and volunteers

  • We seek to honour God in carrying out our ministries by combining prayerful reliance on Him with the use of the best available means, maintaining the highest standards possible

  • We believe in praying for financial support, be dependent on God, and in telling the Christian public of our needs, without distorting the truth or using undue pressure

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