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Volunteer Stories - Poh Hoon

My first memory of volunteering with Scripture Union, if I remembered correctly, took place in 2004/5. How this started I don’t remember, but it marked the start of my volunteering journey with SU.

My name is Poh Hoon, and I have 4 children- 3 girls and one boy, aged 25-32. When I started volunteering with SU, I was working as a dentist, but have since retired to help look after my 2 granddaughters.

Though I started volunteering with SU in 2004/2005, it was an “on-and-off” stint, as the demands of bringing up 4 children without a helper did not enable me to volunteer much especially when the children were younger. I am thankful for the support of my husband (who had to look after the children when I am away in camps) and also for my children.

My best memories of volunteering with SU were on the trek church camps. I remember serving alongside Morna, Meenaci, Lai Kin and her daughter in the beginning. They were really helpful and welcoming to this newbie. They guided me and taught me many things as I served as a co-leader and we had a lot of fun together too. I even brought my youngest daughter with me, and she helped with the worship slides, song actions and games. Since then, I have volunteered and served alongside Ps Flora, David Leong and so many other faithful volunteers, not just for the treks but also for SUPA camps. It is always a joy to see the children respond to the lessons/truths taught, to see how much they enjoyed the camp and the love they show as they respond to God and to us volunteers.. all these bring lots of joy and smiles to my life as a volunteer.

I have been a regular face at the training talks organized by SU and have really benefitted from the teaching and sharing by the different trainers. One of the reasons why I chose to volunteer with SU is to “give back a little/pay it forward”. I believe God has given me a passion for children and serving with SU children’s programmes enables me to use this passion and the gifts that God has given me, as I strive to obey God. (1 Peter 4:10 “ Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve other, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”)

I remember feeling inadequate and “lost” when I started, and even later on, after many years of serving. But through God’s grace and in His strength, with the help of so many other experienced staff and volunteers, I learnt to enjoy myself as I serve, knowing that God is faithful and will always grant me His wisdom and guidance. I even managed to step out of my comfort zone of leading the pre-schoolers to lead the primary children.

So, just offer your “ 5 loaves and 2 fish” and see how God can multiply and use what you offer to bless others and be blessed by God as you see His mighty hands working through you.

All praise and glory to God!


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