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Youth Camp 'ReAlevant' 2023
Camp Relevant was a transformative gathering for youths seeking to grow in their faith and fellowship. The event, which included 75 participants, took place from 9-11 December at the Centre for Performance Transformation (CPT) campsite. It was a focused time of seeking God communally. Many youths expressed the close connection they felt with God through the powerful and heartfelt worship sessions. Every session was dynamic, freeing the youths to worship God with all their heart and might. Impactful sharing was given by Jason Wong on the first two days of camp and Ps Daniel Phun on the final day. God used Jason Wong to testify about him being an ordinary boy who was bullied at school, transforming him into a prisons officer. His talk about "second chances" liberated many youths who felt un-noticed and in need of a second chance. Daniel Phun’s compelling message entitled “Finish it!” convicted the hearts of many youths and leaders on God’s wonderful plan for them (Jeremiah 29:11), encouraging them to wake up every day saying, “God, I want your plan!” The camp was filled with fun and activity planned both for day and night. This included solving mysteries, witnessing some great character portrayal, acting by our youth leaders, teamwork in groups, and informal conversations over delicious home-cooked food and cup noodles. With great activity and food, it is no wonder many feed back that one of their highlights was the fellowship at camp. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the amazing helpers, including those from Bartley Christian Church, Faith Sanctuary, and Oasis BRMC Mission, who journeyed with SU through the camp planning and beyond. Below is a testimony from a camper: "This year’s camp was meaningful for me. It marked the day when I surrendered myself and accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior. For the past year, I have been actively going to church and also partaking in ITE fellowship. But I have never really accepted God. I was hesitant due to my circumstances. One of which was me being undeserving, to be a child of God because of my sinful past. What really changed my perspective was during the worship session on Day 2 (10th December 2023). The speaker, Jason Wong was talking about his yellow ribbon project; emphasizing “second chance”. I just felt God knew my struggle and was speaking to me directly and comforting me. On Day 1, I took the first step and on Day 2 God took the rest of the ninety-nine steps towards me. Honestly it was comforting and reassuring. I felt it deep in my heart, knowing everyone deserves a second chance and that I am no exception. I had always been struggling and resisting my urge to step up. Something was always holding me back, as though being chained but God freed me. I felt great as I finally let all my emotions out. I have always been doing things on my own, keeping my own emotions to myself. Ultimately I knew I was not strong enough to do this all by myself. But thankfully, I now have God with me, I feel more assured. I am grateful for the church community and everyone who prayed for me. You guys are the reason I have experienced the goodness of God! As I am still new to this community, I will continue to explore and read more of the word of God. Overall, this youth camp was a meaningful one for me. I’ve learnt a lot from it". I am looking forward to the next SU youth camp! Finally I'll end with a bible verse; "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

SUPA Camp 2023
What an exciting and amazing camp we had for SUPA 2023! This year we decided to have more outdoor activities because of our theme BRAVE HEART. The venue was chosen carefully to enhance the learning experience of the children. As they moved around Changi Village on their quests, the children learned that to be brave for God meant to do the right thing even though the plan sounded silly or when everyone else did not believe in it or when they did not feel like carrying it out. Being brave meant to follow God's plan no matter what. It was a miracle that the skies over Changi Village remained clear and blue for all our outdoor activities (we heard that heavy rain poured over the western part of Singapore). We give thanks to God for His goodness and His protection over 61 campers and leaders. If you missed this year's camp, see you at SUPA camp 2024! Below are the testimonies from the camp.

Care Club Special Outing, 26 Nov 2022
The aim of this event is to establish healthy social-emotional learning and build positive relationships through interaction On Saturday, 26 Nov 2022, the team members from SU were each assigned a child to accompany them from their place of residency to the location of the event. This provided an opportunity to spend quality time with the children while journeying to the event site - the “Far East Organization Children’s Garden. "The aim of this event is to establish healthy social-emotional learning and build positive relationships through interaction. Upon arrival, the children were overjoyed to see they were in for a treat at the water play area! As they bond through the activities organized by the team, everyone, including the SU team and volunteers had a splashing good time and a fun-filled day! We empower children and youths by surrounding them with a caring community in Care Club, where volunteers befriend & mentor them through one to-one tuition, counselling, games, art and music. Special outings and family bonding activities are also school holiday highlights. For more details, please visit: https://pfs.org.sg/family-care Want to be part of a caring community? Check out our SU website for more initiatives at: https://www.su.org.sg/programmes

The impact of Scripture Union on renowned theologian NT Wright
A WONDERFUL testimony to the impact of Scripture Union was shared by the famous theologian Tom Wright, looking back on his time at school in England. Head of Scripture Union England and Wales , Myles MacBean, wrote, “Our context may have changed, but the mission of SU England and Wales remains the same: to create opportunities for children and young people to explore the Bible, respond to Jesus and grow in faith.
“Asked what helps him make Bible reading part of his daily routine, Tom Wright (a.k.a. N.T. Wright) explained how Scripture Union introduced him to the importance of daily prayer and Bible reading! He mentions the inductive ‘Scripture Union method’ that is still displayed at the front of every copy of SUEW Bible reading guides.”
Premier Radio "Ask NT Wright Anything" #166 - full episode is available here: https://bit.ly/SU_NTWright

Easter Bible Storybook by Maggie Barfield Hard Cover [Usual $10 - Easter Promotion 20% off ] Easter Bible Storybook by Maggie Barfield Paperback [Usual $6 - Easter Promotion 20% off ] The Easter Bible Storybook to meet Mary in a garden, Peter and John, friends out walking and, most of all, Jesus! The Easter Bible Storybook is a truly delightful retelling of the Easter story, especially for under 5s. It features full-colour photographic spreads of the much-loved Bible Friends characters from the award-winning Big Bible Storybook. Available BOTH as a full coloured board book and paperback versions; it is perfectly sized for small hands, with short text for a parent or carer to read to the child. Easter Puzzle [Usual $10, limited copies on promo at $5] Crack the code, enter an Easter Day garden maze and explore the Easter story as never before! Bible Codecracker Easter contains Bible verses to help puzzlers read the story for themselves. Happy Easter! More Easter Cracked [Usual $29 – limited copies promotion price $18] Excellent resource for Sunday school teachers and adventurous parents to keep young minds engaged and think about Jesus during this Easter season. Growing up in Jesus [Usual $1.50, Easter promo bundle set of 30 at $30] A must-have for new Christians, a simple guide book to help new believers to grow in faith as they walk closer with Jesus. This book offers useful tips for cell group leaders a systematic approach to this exciting journey. Don’t miss this Easter promotion and grab a set today! Jesus Loves me! [Usual $6 – Easter promo at 20% off] Asking Jesus to be your Lord and Savior and forever friend is the most important thing you will ever do. To become a strong Christian, you will want to read your Bible. Let this booklet guides children to read through the Gospel of John. This is an effective bible study tool as they come to knowing that Jesus loves us! Thank you Jesus Discovery book [Usual $5, Easter promo at 20% off] Want to be in God’s Family? [Usual $1.50, Easter promo at 20% off] We all belong to our own family. We also belong to the family of human race. But this booklet tells you how you can belong to the most fantastic family ever known – God’s family. Brilliant news or what?
For enquiries, kindly contact resources@su.org.sg

Testimony - Luke Zachary Ng
God’s call for me in my life had always been crystal clear – to serve Him wholly. It was something I could never run away from (believe me; I have tried). The precise, specific ministry He wanted me to be in, was set out right from the beginning. I grew up in a dysfunctional family. My biological dad left my 18-year-old mum after he found out that she was carrying me. She then left me in the care of my maternal grandparents from birth. Shortly after, she disappeared and I grew up wondering what had happened to her, as no one would disclose anything to me. The constant feeling of being an outcast, an outsider was ever so real. My grandparents would often remind me that I would be thrown out of the house if I were to misbehave. I struggled to find love and a sense of belonging even in school. My teachers would often attribute my poor performance and inadequacies to my upbringing – one who was abandoned by his parents. As you would have guessed, I grew up with lots of anger in me; and an enormous sense of low self-esteem. Through it all, the Lord continued to watch over me. But by His grace, I was led to study in a mission school where I came to learn about the love of God. However, I was too self-absorbed as a young boy and was not open to the Gospel as I continued to abide in my sinful ways. Eventually, both my grandparents passed on. That was the ultimate wake-up call for me, as I no longer had anyone to rely on. The need to juggle my studies and work become an inevitable reality for me. At 18, I entered the Singapore Polytechnic and that was the beginning of my encounter with Jesus. I vividly remember walking past the different CCA (CO-Curricular Activities) booths when I came across a strange middle-aged man who had a prominent pair of sunglasses, in the hall. He was playing his guitar and singing out loud. Honestly, he looked too old to be a student. Nonetheless, I brushed that thought aside, believing that it was possible for someone his age to be taking his Diploma and being in a CCA. I was strangely attracted by his weird demeanour and I approached the booth thinking it could be the guitar club. With the widest smile, he told me he was from the Poly Christian Fellowship. Upon hearing his introduction, I began to plan my exit as I did not want any associations with a religion; especially one that proclaims that God loves us. However, through his caring persuasion, I relented and gave my contact to him. That strange man eventually became my mentor and close friend to this very day. Many weeks passed on, they invited me to attend their meetings. I entertained that invitation as I wanted just to have fun (and while at it I wanted to wreak some havoc). After many weeks, the leaders struggled with me as I would continuously interrupt their Bible studies sessions by bombarding them with bewildering questions that would rattle even the foundation of their own faiths. A couple of months later, I was invited to join them in a youth camp at Saint Andrew’s Village. On the very last day of the camp, I had a supernatural encounter with Christ that completely changed the course of my destructive lifestyle. That encounter transformed me completely and I came out of the camp “a new creation in Christ.” A few months after the camp, I received God’s calling for me to go into full-time ministry. Over the course of six months, God’s call for me was affirmed by four individuals who were either pastors or full-time ministers, and they were not acquainted with one another. As they were praying for me, they heard God calling for me to fulfil my call to serve Him full-time and to stop running from this calling. So eventually, I surrendered and embraced the call from God. Thereafter, I went to a Theological seminary to take a Bachelor’s degree and eventually obtained my Masters, while serving as a minister in church. The Lord’s call for me to serve primarily in the Youth Ministry became so overwhelming that I had to take a leap of faith to leave the church ministry behind, not knowing what was next for me. By His divine appointment, I was invited to join Scripture Union Singapore and have been there since 2016 till today. Even with my 17 years of experience in the youth ministry since my Polytechnic days, I would still feel inept in youth ministry work. This inadequate feeling often spurs me on, to study, and read further so that I can be more effective in the ministry. Through my life experiences, I am able to better empathise with youths who are hurting and struggling with low self-esteem. One reason why many youths are leaving the church today is because they do not feel loved and accepted by the church community. They have yet to comprehend what it means to be loved wholeheartedly by God. Therefore, my personal encounter with God and how He could save someone like me became a driving force to reach out to these youths.
At the end of the day, I am passionate about raising a God-fearing generation through intentional discipleship. I firmly believe in the importance of training youth leaders so that they can be better equipped in reaching out to the next generation. Children and youths are the leaders of tomorrow, so what we do today matters. P.S. If you want to hear more about my life story and my encounter with God, you are most welcome to have coffee with me! 😊 Photo: Luke Zachary with wife Katherine and son Ashton.

Volunteer Stories - Sugiharto
To me, children are an important asset for the next generation. There was a clip
I saw ‘You’re Losing Us’ that struck me and taught me how important children are. I was a Sunday School child despite my family not being Christian. Though I had yet to believe in Jesus Christ during Sunday School days, the Living Word remained in me until one
day at age 18 the Holy Spirit touched me and guided me, to understand the truth that we are all sinners. That helped me experience the love of God who died on the cross for our sins which changed my entire life; coming to know, to love and serve Him. Back in Indonesia, I served in the main congregation in a rostered team to help prepare the one-year sermon topics and schedule the guest pastors, as well as serving in the teens’ ministry. However, moving to Singapore there was a call to serve in the Children’s Ministry. A few years later I learned about SU and I thought I needed ‘something’ to evaluate myself and seek guidance. I, therefore, signed up for the CPCM program. Since then
I am a regular volunteer with SU and later, my wife joined me as well to volunteer with SU. Though it is tiring, there are many blessings and joys when serving God, especially when seeing the children want to know Jesus and grow in Christ. When volunteering with SU, the brothers and sisters supported one another, making each event a unique and memorable experience. As a volunteer, I learned a lot from Brother David Leong, Pastor Flora, and Sister Monica. There was a time when Brother David Leong and I volunteered in the Holiday Trek Program in Desaru, Johor. The electricity went off from afternoon till night but we still carried on with the program, thanks be to God! David Leong told me we needed to roll up our sleeves and ‘play by ear’.
Praise the Lord, the children were attentive and enjoyed the games and the teaching, all under the dim emergency light near the main lobby. One memorable lesson I have learnt from SU is that if you cannot control the children, the children will control you. So be prepared always, pray and experience the love and the power of God.

Volunteer Stories - Poh Hoon
My first memory of volunteering with Scripture Union, if I remembered correctly, took place in 2004/5. How this started I don’t remember, but it marked the start of my volunteering journey with SU. My name is Poh Hoon, and I have 4 children- 3 girls and one boy, aged 25-32. When I started volunteering with SU, I was working as a dentist, but have since retired to help look after my 2 granddaughters. Though I started volunteering with SU in 2004/2005, it was an “on-and-off” stint, as the demands of bringing up 4 children without a helper did not enable me to volunteer much especially when the children were younger. I am thankful for the support of my husband (who had to look after the children when I am away in camps) and also for my children. My best memories of volunteering with SU were on the trek church camps. I remember serving alongside Morna, Meenaci, Lai Kin and her daughter in the beginning. They were really helpful and welcoming to this newbie. They guided me and taught me many things as I served as a co-leader and we had a lot of fun together too. I even brought my youngest daughter with me, and she helped with the worship slides, song actions and games. Since then, I have volunteered and served alongside Ps Flora, David Leong and so many other faithful volunteers, not just for the treks but also for SUPA camps. It is always a joy to see the children respond to the lessons/truths taught, to see how much they enjoyed the camp and the love they show as they respond to God and to us volunteers.. all these bring lots of joy and smiles to my life as a volunteer. I have been a regular face at the training talks organized by SU and have really benefitted from the teaching and sharing by the different trainers. One of the reasons why I chose to volunteer with SU is to “give back a little/pay it forward”. I believe God has given me a passion for children and serving with SU children’s programmes enables me to use this passion and the gifts that God has given me, as I strive to obey God. (1 Peter 4:10 “ Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve other, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”) I remember feeling inadequate and “lost” when I started, and even later on, after many years of serving. But through God’s grace and in His strength, with the help of so many other experienced staff and volunteers, I learnt to enjoy myself as I serve, knowing that God is faithful and will always grant me His wisdom and guidance. I even managed to step out of my comfort zone of leading the pre-schoolers to lead the primary children. So, just offer your “ 5 loaves and 2 fish” and see how God can multiply and use what you offer to bless others and be blessed by God as you see His mighty hands working through you. All praise and glory to God!

A must-read! Every book in the Scripture Union Essential series now available on YouVersion.
Did you know that Scripture Union's trio of Essential books are now all available on the free Bible app, YouVersion? This free app can be downloaded onto your tablet or smartphone, or online at Bible.com. Written by President Emeritus Whitney Kuniholm, the three Essential books are a must-read. Subscribe to one of the plans today! The Essential 100, E100, helps you get an overview of the Bible...without getting bogged down. The Plan guides you through 50 Old Testament passages and 50 New Testament passages — The Essential 100 — so you can see the big picture of God’s Word and form a daily Bible reading habit in the process. Each day’s commentary reads like a letter from a friend. Whether you’re a new or experienced Bible reader, you’ll gain a fresh appreciation for the big picture of the Bible, and in the process, you’ll be meeting with God every day. The Essential Question is a fast-paced journey through the book of Acts and is broken down into 10parts on YouVersion. In 50 carefully selected passages
from the Bible, you will discover the essential question Paul asked the Lord while he was traveling to Damascus: “What shall I do, Lord?” Have you ever asked yourself, “What difference am I making with my life?” On some level, we all struggle to find our own answer to that fundamental question. The Essential Jesus is like having a friend walk you through the Bible's greatest stories of Jesus. Along with the 100 readings is engaging devotional commentary, prayers, personal application questions, group discussion questions and more for all Essential Jesus passages. Prefer to read The Essential Series in print? Order your copies at store.scriptureunionresources.com Versions for teens also available for E100 and Essential Jesus.
Encounter with God Together • A podcast on Anchor

Testimony by Elizabeth Le from SU Vietnam (HCMC)
There is a saying that: "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." That's true, especially for Christian teachers. Last Sunday, my niece - Giang Mi got her baptism at the age of 16. Although her parents are godly people, they always wish that some day Giang Mi will have her own relationship with God. It didn't happen in just one day, but with a process. In Mi's testimony video about when and how she committed her life to God, she said it happened in a SUPA camp in Singapore when a teacher asked if anyone wanted to dedicate life to God. At that moment, Mi raised her hand, responding to that invitation. I was crying when watching her testimony, and thank God for His work above my imagination. Besides, that was the only SUPA camp that she has joined, and that was the one God used to touch my niece's heart. And that moment lasts until today and to be continued as my niece has decided to confess her faith in Christ. I am grateful and joyful for her salvation in Christ, at the same time, so proud of your works in SU Singapore. My niece can not remember the teacher who invited her to come to God, but that teacher's word and work was so precious to her. Yes, we are doing anonymous but eternal work - teaching God's word to children and creating moments for them to meet God personally. What a great privilege! With gratefulness,
Elizabeth Le SU Vietnam (HCMC) Photo: Mi in black attire and Kairos is first from the right.

SU Vietnam (HCMC): A Pursuing Ministry
We pursue one life for God because we have a pursuing God. That's something always easy to say than to do. But when we purse one life, we would understand that it is Him, who is pursuing, not us. There had a boy name, Hung, in one of our Online classes. His father's side is a family with many ministers of the gospel, but something happened that made it hard for this 13-year-old boy was that he lost His dad when he was little. Growing up, Hung addicted to games and had a poor performance both in school and at home. His mom prayed and believed only God's Words could change him so when she knew our Online class, she signed up for him but since it was not his will, he reluctantly joined. As a result, his Bible coach and his class suffered. Hung did not do self-study before class, very uncooperative with his sleepy face and negative attitudes. His Bible coach was frustrated after weeks making efforts, almost gave up. After many messages back and forth, she called Hung's mom and encouraged her not to be sad if she could not do anything else. But listening to the mother's heart; she was touched and motived to try again but again nothing changed. Hung clearly showed his attitude against what the class were doing, and even he stopped joining the class. The Bible coach somehow had an impression that Hung was sent to this class for a purpose. So, with his mom's permission, she boldly shared with other parents in the class to pray specially for Hung. God started working in this young man's heart. No longer after that Hung himself told his mom he wanted to be back to the class. It was really a turning point! Growing in God's Word with friends and with the love and care of his mother, Hung now stopped playing game, his study was clearly improved. And we all can tell his improvements in his discoveries and desires for God's Word in the class. We pursue one life for God because we have a pursuing God. That's something hard to do but when we know it is Him who do the pursuit we know we should never lose hope or give up on one life that He is happy to give us.